Friday, August 26, 2011

Salih Yaacob Kahwin 4. Ini Pun Kerja UMNO-BN Kata Anwar Ibrahim..??

Whatever happened to prove evil Anwar and PKR, UMNO-BN are all working ...! That is enshrined in the minds of thoughts that have been successful Ibrahim sodomy cheap saplings saplings thinking all balaci Barua and feces wash pencacai artisans who profess belief Anwarisme Anwar ...

Once the political arena back home were shocked by the news of the risks facing the PKR party will be "dissolved" by the Registrar of Societies - Registrar of Society [ROS] for knowingly violated Clause 32.2.1 Law of Registered Party, as expected, all problems will be addressed to UMNO-BN as the causes and triggers all the ...!

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